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Analysis of the incineration treatment rate of the waste incineration power generation industry in 2

Time: 2019-12-04   Click:

Abstract:At present, the leading waste treatment method in China is sanitary landfill. However, there is secondary pollution in sanitary landfill, and the construction cost of high-temperature compost is quite high. In contrast, the waste incineration method not only has pollution control standards in line with international standards, but also economic benefits It is also far superior to sanitary landfills. It has the advantages of high marketization and sustainability, so it has a lot of room for development. The waste incineration industry has probably gone through three development processes: budding, developing, and mature.

evelopment trend of waste incineration power generation industry

1.Waste incineration power generation industry is supported by policies

Waste incineration power generation can not only treat waste, but also generate electricity to increase energy, which can be described as turning waste into treasure. Although the initial investment is high, in the long run, the cost performance is very high. Therefore, the waste incineration power generation industry is supported by policies, and the state has invested a lot of funds to build high-standard, pollution-free incineration facilities, strengthen the management of incineration facilities, Coordinate project development, management and supervision of waste incineration power generation projects.

2. Collection refinement

The garbage classification policy introduced in 2019, although many residents are suffering, it has brought many benefits. For waste incineration power generation is very good. When more cities implement waste classification, the collection will be more refined. At that time, the fineness of front-end garbage collection can be improved, and the "two-network integration" of renewable resources and domestic garbage networks can be further promoted to promote the renewable resources industry. development of.

3. Implement the garbage metering and charging system

The garbage metering and charging system will fundamentally enhance the marketization of the solid waste industry. Changing the development model can provide more effective support for future finances, and it can also serve as an institutional connection. Looking at the municipal garbage collection methods in the United States and Japan, although the implementation is slightly different in specific regions, the basic principle is "payasyouthrow", that is, the garbage measurement and charging system. The core idea of this system is "who pollutes, who pays", that is, requiring waste producers to pay according to the amount of waste generated (weight or volume), which can reduce government expenditure on waste removal and disposal in a certain degree. .

4. Optimization of incineration technology

Because no object can burn completely, it will definitely cause a lot of waste of resources. But we can increase the incomplete combustion of garbage by optimizing the incineration technology. The optimization of incineration technology will help to further increase the amount of electricity generated per ton of waste and increase the level of revenue. In the future, companies with technological advantages and government bargaining power will have an advantage and promote industry concentration.
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